The toxic gamble: genetically engineered seeds

Farmer harvesting hay in British Columbia, Canada by Betsey Crawford

The most public debate on the use of genetically modified seeds concerns their safety. Are they safe for the environment and safe for human consumption? These are crucial questions, arguably the most important.

But there is a host of other important issues: democracy, public versus corporate control. Rights of communities and individuals. Control of the food supply. The future of plant genetics. The future itself. Issues of culture, sovereignty, heritage, and spirit are involved. Who we are as inhabitants of our mother planet underlies all these issues.

Genetic manipulations can sound promising: rice with beta-carotene to prevent blindness in vitamin A-starved children. Spinach that survives frost. Cotton and potatoes that resist their most pernicious beetle pests. Farming is hard and risky. Anything that makes it easier and more predictable is surely worth a look. Drought-resistant wheat? Great idea! Especially in the face of global warming.

It was such a great idea that our ancestors started developing drought-tolerant wheat 10,000 years ago. Cereal grain cultivation originated in the Middle East, where there was plenty of reason to foster plants that weathered dry seasons.

Grasses are wind-pollinated, so the different species could mix easily, blending genes. This created desirable traits that were then chosen, grown, and treasured. Some of these ancient grains are in use around the world today, including in our own Midwest, helping farmers cope with the effects of warmer, drier climate.

Teosinte, the ancestor of corn, is pictured with its modern progeny. Photos by Matt Levin and CSKK
Teosinte photo by Matt Lavin; corn photo by CSKK. Both via Flickr/Creative Commons

The choosing and mixing of beneficial traits in plants brought us most of the food seeds we had 100 years ago. Farmers who never heard the words genetics or evolution drove these processes. We know from genetic analysis that corn, for example, developed from an unassuming grass, teosinte, when we began planting it nine thousand years ago.

Slowly and carefully, operating on knowledge gained from intimacy with seeds and plants, locale and weather, farmers developed the corn we know. The prominent cobs and seeds became a staple food of what is now North and South America. The same patient wisdom fostered the other two staples, beans and squash.

Indigenous peoples of the Americas planted their three sisters together, starting with a few corn seeds set into a mound of soil. The corn stalks created a pole for the bean vines to climb. Beans are in the legume family, which pulls the crucial nutrient nitrogen from the air into the soil. The large squash leaves shaded the ground, discouraging weeds, conserving water, and preventing the sun from baking the soil. Coastal tribes planted a fish in each mound for fertilizer.

A bowl of jewel-like beans from
Photo from Seed Ambassadors

One hundred years ago, after millennia of such careful nurture and thoughtful husbandry, there were 307 varieties of commercially available corn seeds. As of the last count in 1983, there were twelve. Monsanto is everyone’s culprit, with good reason, but they didn’t begin it, and they’re not alone.

Early in the twentieth century, corporations realized that there was money to be made by creating seeds that had to be bought each year. They also had to counter the ancient practice of collecting them at harvest. This led to F1 hybrids, which dominated farm staples such as corn, sugar beets, and vegetables. F1 hybrids are genetic crosses designed to use the desirable dominant traits of each parent. However, in the next generation, recessive genes can activate, so the crop is less predictable and likely weaker.

So, farmers purchased new seeds every year, on the surface a reasonable tradeoff for a reliably hardy crop. But only reasonable if they had a choice, which diminished rapidly. The hybrid breeders didn’t want competition from traditional seeds, so they bought up seed companies. A practice that has accelerated in the last twenty years.

The three major chemical corporations involved in GMO seeds have bought 20,000 seed companies among them. In addition, Monsanto is notorious for going into traditional farming regions and buying stored seeds from farmers as they introduce their altered seeds. By refusing to sell the traditional seeds they now own, corporations force farmers to buy their engineered products.

Wheat field in South Dakota by Betsey Crawford
Wheat field in South Dakota

Genetic modifiers want to convince the public of the safety of GMO foods. So they say that their work is a continuation and sophistication of the process of hybridization that has been in place since farming began. But all previous combinations, including the F1 hybrids, combined genes of the same or related species. They used the methods of pollination the plants had used for millions of years.

The insertion of flounder and trout genes in tomatoes and spinach, along with viral catalysts and a bacterial signature to identify the corporate owner, is new. Which is exactly what those same modifiers say when they apply for patents.

In 1980, the United States Supreme Court ruled that life forms could be patented. This gives Monsanto and other companies the right to alter a single gene in a seed and claim a patent. They can then sue anyone who uses that seed for intellectual property theft. Even if the use of that seed is unsought and unwanted.

There are many examples of farmers whose crops were wind-pollinated by nearby GMO seeds who ended up being sued for damages. In addition, and literally caught in the crosswinds, organic farmers can lose tens of thousands of dollars of value when nearby GMO plants contaminate their crops.

Monsanto has a 117-year history of producing deadly poisons — DDT, Agent Orange, PCBs — and creating endless toxic sites. There appears to be no amount of damage that the company is unwilling to do. It has also, ever since helping make bombs in both world wars, had close ties to the U.S. government.

In every administration from Reagan through Trump, Monsanto lawyers and executives have held positions in the FDA, the USDA, and the Supreme Court. Next to the corporations, the U.S. government is the biggest booster of GMO crops. Even to the point, during famines, of forcing supplies of GMO grain on African countries that don’t want them.

The controversy over genetically engineered seeds: a corn field in western Kansas by Betsey Crawford

I can’t know for sure how the farmer of the field above treats his land. But the state of the soil — dry, sandy, colorless — suggests that he first drenched the ground with biocides to kill the microbial life. Then another biocide to arm the seeds and seedlings against insects whose predators may well have been killed in the first round.

Since there are no weeds sprouting between the cornstalks, he likely applied another biocide, probably glyphosate, to kill them. This is the chemical in Monsanto’s Round Up. Monsanto bred its Round Up Ready seeds to grow into plants that aren’t killed by glyphosate. After seeding, the farmer can keep spraying Round Up all season. To feed the plants growing in this sterile soil, repeated applications of petroleum-based fertilizer can be added to the list.

If this were a potato field, he would have followed the same path, adding fungicides. He would have used the eyes of potatoes with the inserted genes of Bacillus thuringensis, or BT. Eating the leaves would then be lethal to the notorious potato beetle. These thrive in monocultures of the potato bred, for example, to provide perfect french fries at McDonald’s.

This entire process leaves us with sterile soil, sick pollinators, poisons in the air and water. And eating a potato that is, under the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules, technically an insecticide.

In 1903 there were 408 varieties of tomatoes available from seed companies. By 1983 it was 78.
In 1903 there were 408 varieties of tomatoes available from seed companies. By 1983 it was 78. Photo by Immo Wegmann via Unsplash.

In 2018, Monsanto merged with the German chemical giant, Bayer, another company with a grim history. They join two other recent mergers: Dow and Dupont, Syngenta and Chem-China. These are chemical companies foremost. What they want to sell are chemicals and seeds modified to grow into plants that can sustain repeated barrages of their chemicals.

Journalist Mark Shapiro, in his book Seeds of Resistance, interviewed a Monsanto executive. She describes the ’stacking’ of up to six different genes into a seed to create resistance to six different pesticides. “We work,” she said blandly, “to uncouple the farm from the environment around it.”

As Shapiro says, this is “a pretty succinct description of the industrial agriculture paradigm…that treats the seed as a foreign entity to be inserted into a chemically reconstituted environment.” It’s also insanity: trying to create life by killing everything around it.

A thriving earth means one lively ecological niche after another. A seed and its environment are among the most crucially linked life forms on the planet. They are an ecosystem, intimate bonds that hundreds of millions of years of evolution, of both seed and soil, have created. Every breathing being on the planet has evolved because this relationship evolved first. A soil alive with microbial and fungal life, a brilliant seed, and the plant they produce.

Soil should be full of life: dark, crumbly, full of decaying plant matter and fungi.
Soil should be full of life: dark and crumbly because it has lots of decaying plant matter, showing signs that fungi are thriving.  Photo by Sam Jotham Sutharson via Unsplash.

Evolution is going to have its way. There are already superweeds that survive Round Up. BT, an important tool used sparingly in organic farming, quickly met its first BT-resistant caterpillar in genetically engineered cotton. The companies will invent more chemicals. The organic farmers will be devastated.

Thus, it isn’t only about safety. There are layers and layers of complications. Pollution, health, farmers’ sovereignty over their own land. The ability to access and trust good science, and the education to understand it. A community’s right to say no to corporate demands. State and federal laws protecting corporations at the expense of those communities.

People assume there have been studies on the safety of GMOs for humans. But there haven’t been. Negative research exists but has been suppressed and ridiculed. The chemical companies say it’s not their business to determine the safety of their products. It’s the Food and Drug Administration’s job. The FDA is peppered with biotech industry insiders. One Monsanto executive went from writing the paper to gain approval for bovine growth hormone to being the FDA appointee who approved it.

Will there be a safe role for transgenic organisms in medicine and food? We don’t know. It’s being ‘studied’ in real time. We, along with our children and grandchildren, are the long-term epidemiological experiment that may give us the answer. We may not know for generations. The same is true of the environment.

There have been recent articles by onetime GMO skeptics who say they are now converts since we’ve been using them since 1994 and they “seem safe.” But twenty-four years doesn’t even register in the scale of human and plant evolution. Let’s say every word in this essay represents 500,000 of the one billion years since the first photosynthesizing eukaryotes showed up. Homo sapiens’ 200,000-year history would be the last two letters.

In 1903 there were 463 varieties of radishes available from seed companies. By 1983 it was 27.
In 1903 there were 463 varieties of radishes available from seed companies. By 1983 it was 27. Photo by Lance Grandahl via Unsplash.

Monsanto’s slogan is ‘Feeding the World.’ Well-meaning people and organizations believe genetically engineered seeds are the answer to the problem of hunger. Especially as the population explodes to a projected 10 billion people.

However, recent studies show that combining genetically engineered seeds and their companion chemicals produces lower yields than traditional methods. Debt-burdened farmers the world over are trapped in a cycle of needing chemicals to produce high yields to pay for the chemicals. The companies and their stockholders are the only identifiable beneficiaries.

People aren’t hungry because there aren’t enough vast agricultural monocultures being showered with poison. They’re hungry because our methods of growing and distributing food leave them out. The farmworkers in California’s Central Valley work among the most abundant vegetable and fruit fields in the world. But they can’t afford the products they raise because they’re not paid enough, a worldwide problem.

We know so little, despite our brilliance. We’ve been here for such a short time. The seeds we’re risking for the profits of a few people are our elders by hundreds of millions of years. We’re a young and rambunctious species, dazzled by our capabilities. But we have no idea what we don’t know.

Too many have lost a once-deep understanding that we are embedded in a vast fabric of being. Lost the knowledge, to borrow from Thomas Berry, that the earth is not made of objects, but interconnected subjects full of life, power, and wisdom. To the Mayans, corn was a goddess. Among those who remember such reverence, there’s a growing movement to save seeds. That’s what I will celebrate in the third part of this seed series.

A farm field on Prince Edward Island, Canada by Betsey Crawford
Prince Edward Island, Canada

I’d love to have you on the journey! If you add your email address, I’ll send you notices of new adventures.[madmimi id=178565]


Close up of black and yellow bee on bright pink-purple tall thistle (cirsium altissimum) in Golden Prairie, Golden City, Missouri. Photo by Betsey Crawford.


It had never occurred to me to do it, but when a friend invited me to a beekeeping class, I said, “Of course.” So there we were, in downtown San Francisco, suited up and holding beehive frames, knowing that keeping bees is keeping the world.

Opening seed pod of western columbine (Aquilegia occidentalis) with orange seeds. Photo taken at Meadows in the Sky in Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia by Betsey Crawford


We live a life of supreme interdependence with seeds. Our presence on the planet depends on them; our intelligence has evolved with them. They are mighty packages of fierce and beautiful energy, full of deep wisdom that knows when, where, and how to spring fully to life.


Although dirt is one of the most crucial — and threatened — systems on our planet, it doesn’t have a reputation for excitement. Until we see our bare feet standing on dirt and realize we are looking at different aspects of the same cosmic elements.

14 thoughts on “The toxic gamble: genetically engineered seeds”

  1. I’ve always loved experimenting in the garden, but currently I live in a 3rd floor apartment, and have just a balcony. Last year I planted 2 different (purchased) tomato seed varieties “Balkongzauber” and “Tiny Tim”, and then collected the seeds. I planted them recently, as well as the leftover, packaged “Balkongzauber” seeds.
    The seeds I collected from previous harvest have about 90% germination rate! The packaged seeds did not do nearly as well, like 20%. I think I planted 10 of last year’s store bought seeds and got only 2 sprouts. It could be a consequence of the seeds aging one year. I’m not sure.
    My point is, I think this years’ tomatoes are going to be a bit more naturally suited to their 3rd floor balcony environment, as well as more genetically diverse than last years’ crop, because they are a mixture of 2 different tomato varieties. We’ll see…

    1. Thanks for your story, Victoria. I, too, have a third-floor balcony at this stage in my life. It will be fascinating to see what happens with last year’s seeds. It’s possible the ones from the packet are simply older. It would depend partly on how they were stored, I would think. Cheers!

  2. Hi Betsey,
    As always, a treat to read your post, as much as it flames the fires of angst. On the same day I read your post I went to a talk by an entomologist. He explained that of the millions of insects that exist, scientists have actually identified and named only about 1/10th. He declared that insects are fundamental to life as we know it (even though we don’t know most insects); life in almost every ecosystem on earth would collapse without insects. A few days before this talk I heard a story on the news about the precipitous decline in insects-not just bees, all insects- in the last 20-30 years. Two recent papers have just come out about this alarming decline; and it’s not in just one place on earth, and it’s not just in urbanized or even rural areas. It’s systemic. When I saw the photo you posted of that corn field growing out of that sterile hard-packed soil I thought of all the dead insects, all the wasted land, all the ways we poison what gives us life.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Janiene, though I’m sorry to be fanning the angst flames. I so agree with your last line. It’s just crazy. We can’t see that every single thing — even if there are millions of them — is connected and working to create the whole. As with the insects, we’ve only identified a fraction of the plants on the earth, and we’re letting so many go. Quite a challenge!

  3. Fabulous piece on Montsano and the need to Resist! Suing THEM for polluting OUR crops, instead of vice-versa, may be futile, but organizing against them not so. In the third, or next, piece, I hope you will mention some of the groups, growers, resisters who have been and are succeeding at holding their own maintaining traditional seeds despite this onslaught. We need to join and support them. There are more of us then there are of Montsano. It may not seem so, but I’ll bet (I hope) there are.

    1. The whole next post is devoted to the seed resisters. A much happier story to tell, even if the reasons they need to exist are so dire.

  4. Hi, DearBets – It is impossible to read the first few paragraphs of this post – and the entirety of the earlier one in this trilogy – without being absolutely overwhelmed by the magnificent abundance of our world, and by deep gratitude for our having been granted a place in it.

    And then… Ferocious outrage, being clearly reminded of what is done so heedlessly, with no goal other than monopolization financial profit, and global control, regardless of the consequences. (“Feed the World,” my ass!) I remember hearing about farmers being sued by large chemical companies when those farmers’ crops were inadvertently contaminated – okay, let’s call it what it is: “poisoned” – by wind born seeds from the pesticide-laden mutant mono-crop in the adjoining fields. I couldn’t believe it then, and I still can’t.

    A brief narrative from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a Caribbean island nation you know I have loved dearly for many years – a chain of lush and verdant volcanic outcroppings, so rich and moist and of such benign climate that almost anything grew there, year-round. Bananas were one of their primary crops, grown, tended and harvested on the rugged hillsides each year by small-territory local farmers. The government thought it would be a good idea to offer their crops to a wider market – but that “wider market” did not find the appearance, and the “shelf life” of Vincy bananas to be “competitive,” with their frequent brown spots and occasional evidence of a bug or dozen having enjoyed a meal on them. So the growers were required to cover them – each bunch as it grew – with blue plastic bags. Of course the bags fell off in the first wind or heavy rain, and clogged the streams and drainage systems by the thousands. Local “distribution centers” were resented, and bananas rotted on the pallets. And now Vincentians, like much of the rest of the world, buy their bananas from thousands of miles away, and – in their particular case – currently pay a 15% VAT tax on every single one.

    And, as no one knows better than you, this is just one story like this… And, yes, it is not “just” poisons in our food, it is destruction of cultures and livelihoods, crushing those at the bottom of the “financial heap” into virtual impotence – and rage.


    Wonderful post; it gripped me from the get-go…


    1. Thank you for sharing this, even though I hate these stories! And there are so many of them. Government as part of the corporate structure. Argh!

  5. Betsey, thank you for providing so much detail on this lamentable story! The idea that Monsanto can sue for pollen essentially “invading” neighboring fields is truly capitalism run amok. We have an Amish farm near us in Westport, NY, with the most fabulous tomatoes and strawberries in the summer. They are even better than those grown by nearby organic farms. One wonders if they are using “heirloom” seeds from prior crops going back through the generations that the Amish have been farming in the U.S.

    1. Thanks for the story about your local Amish tomatoes. I’ll bet you’re right. They might have an interesting story when you’re buying them again next year. And yes, the suing is the most ghoulish part of the whole system, although it has a lot of competition.

  6. Betsey, excellent post. We have to do whatever we can to promote seed diversity. Monsanto has created a monster and yet so much is exported globally or used for livestock feed (another vicious cycle). In the meantime seed exchanges such as or local initiatives here allow us to become more involved with this goal. No to transform this into industrial farming practices.

    1. Thanks, Kenton. Yes, the next post is about the heroic efforts to save seeds and ensure biodiversity. Seedsavers is on the list. Interesting to read of the local effort in Amagansett.

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