Fireweed: Alaska’s glowing icon

I could have brought to Alaska a passion for fishing, or for mountains, or volcanoes, glaciers, mighty rivers, wildlife. If so, I might have chosen a different icon. Salmon, Denali, the Matanuska Glacier, the Yukon River, a grizzly bear, moose, or bald eagle. But, though I treasure all of them, my passion is for wildflowers. And since those other icons never appear, in summer, without fireweed somewhere in the picture, it’s my icon.

Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) along the Alaska Highway in Matsu Valley

It has now reached further iconic status from a more official source. Last summer I noticed my fireweed post from ten years ago was suddenly getting a lot of attention. A little exploring told me why: the Alaska Department of Motor Vehicles issued a fireweed license plate. I was entranced by this, and sorry that as a Californian I couldn’t have one for my car. I have to settle for a refrigerator magnet.

The new design was a statewide effort, starting with a contest sponsored by the Alaska State Council on the Arts. A hundred artists submitted designs. Five judges narrowed the field to the six below, all a mix of Alaska icons. Alaskans then voted on their favorites on the Council’s website. Two featured fireweed. The winner was the one on the lower right, with Denali bathed in alpenglow in the background.

Image thanks to Alaska Department of Motor Vehicles

The artist, Sabrina Kessakorn of Anchorage, is an ecologist and artist. She credits two magical summers at Denali early in college with showing her how to combine her two loves of science and art. She wanted to come up with something common to the entire state. Since no wildlife fit that definition, she went with fireweed coupled with Denali.

It’s the flower of summer, and it’s everywhere. It can match my height in the temperate rainforest, or cap out at less than a foot in the alpine tundra. The roadsides are magenta. Open meadows are filled with it. The views of mountains and glaciers are seen through its tall, many-flowered racemes. Dark green spruce forests form backdrops to vast stands of it. It blooms, though more sparingly, in open forest.

The flowers last a long time, slowly opening from the lower stem to the tip. When I arrived in Valdez, a resident told me that summer is over when the bloom gets to the top. While blooming, they attract a variety of pollinators with sweet, rich nectar. Bees, butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds all take advantage of this bounty during the short Alaskan summer.

According to a beekeeper, fireweed bees produce white, spicy honey. Farmers’ markets sell pink fireweed jam. The fresh shoots, high in vitamins A and C, can be eaten like asparagus. The leaves are dried for a laxative tea. Native Alaskans dried the stem and rubbed the powder on their hands and faces to protect their skin from the cold. They rubbed the flowers on hides to make them waterproof.

The flowers bloom from the bottom to the top, leaving behind long, colorful seed pods.

As they bloom and fade, the ovaries under the petals continue to grow into long, slender pods. These are filled with so many seeds an individual plant can produce as much as 80,000. The pods continue the color scheme, sometimes almost as vividly as the flowers.

A fireweed seedpod breaks open and hundreds of seeds are ready to fly. Photo by Betsey Crawford

While flowers are still opening above them, the pods lower down start splitting open. They curve away from a slender, erect center into four thin bracts. Three to five hundred seeds from each pod start to float off on the slightest wind.

Once open, the curving bracts continue to encircle each other. As they dry, they turn gold in the sunlight. The leaves turn a bright, deep red, a memory of the vivid summer color lingering on the roadsides as the flowers disappear.

Pods completely reflexed in autumn color
Pods completely reflexed in autumn gold

Eventually, all those seeds land somewhere and wait. If on open meadows or disturbed roadsides, they can germinate the next spring and bloom by their second year. If in the forest, they wait on nature, often for decades. At some point, fire sweeps through. Without the trees blocking the sun, or their roots taking all the water, fireweed is the first flower to burst into bloom. Thus its name.

Fireweed growing next to a burned trunk in Banff, Alberta

 It isn’t just fire. It was the first plant to blossom in bomb craters in London in WWII. Roadsides are flanked with it soon after the surfacing crews have left. Drainage swales grow them in profusion. Once established, the roots create rhizomes, spreading mat-like through the soil, forming a strong network of plants.

So, in an Alaskan summer, it’s a constant thrill. Their range extends across much of North America, especially at higher altitudes. But I have never seen them grow elsewhere with the wild abandon of Alaskan fireweed.

An unusual white form

By the time we left in mid-August, the seeds were floating through the air everywhere we went. Including in the truck. I picked a split pod one day. I could see the slender center ‘pole’. A tiny surface to hold all those hundreds of seeds, with their attendant feathery hairs.

As the four bracts curve away, they pull the seeds with them. I picked three pods that were just splitting open to see if I could catch this magic in the act. I put them on the dashboard of the truck, planning to take them back to the trailer and watch them.

A pod splitting open on a windy day

A short time later, I realized they had all burst wide open, right there on the dashboard. The seeds started to float around. They drifted the whole day, showing a particular affinity for George, who had to keep blowing them away. I was utterly delighted.

The next day, when I got into the truck, not a single feather was to be seen anywhere. Even the curling bracts had disappeared from the dashboard, though I later found one on the floor.

Some seeds must have gone out the window on the trip, or the door when we got out. But the rest — hundreds of them — were still in there. So I have a vision of the truck, after many years of service, resting in the backyard of its final owner. Doors open, letting in sun and rain, dirt slowly accumulating. And all those fireweed seeds springing to life.



Denali is about knowing, as we build and pave, that there are places left for life to go on as if humans were not rushing to dominate the rest of the planet. It is a place where the heart of the world can beat undisturbed. That is what makes it so important.


In Alaska, I heard about a room where the music reflects information from seismic shifts, geomagnetic changes, the flow of time. Fairbanks wasn’t yet on our route, but I instantly made plans to go. It was magic.


The dying of a human language is losing a vision of life.. When a plant language dies, it’s the same. Gone are relationships lasting eons. Earth is held together by these conversations, this blending of living languages.

15 thoughts on “Fireweed: Alaska’s glowing icon”

  1. Betsy: Hello. Fond memory of meeting you when you camped in your trailer at the Parrish’s Prairie property in Saint Claire County, MO.

  2. Thanks,Betsey, you know how to wonder and pay attention to beauty and the amazing intricacies of nature! Thanks for sharing these gifts!

  3. What a beautifully written piece! I’ve always been fascinated by fireweed, but your insights really highlight its significance in Alaska’s ecosystem and culture. It’s amazing how such a simple plant can hold so much meaning and resilience. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Thank you so much! I was delighted to see this piece get so much attention when Alaska introduced the new license plate.

  4. Patsy Barrington

    My husband and I spent two military assignments to Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage. We were actually there during the Good Friday earthquake of 1964—and still asked to go back. We loved Alaska and the great out-of-doors there, camping, fishing, picking wild berries, etc. We drove our RV back in 2000 and spent three months fishing for halibut and salmon and enjoying Alaska once again. We have taken two cruises there and have so many wonderful memories of Alaska. I, too, love the beautiful fireweed, and the fact that they are the first thing to spring forth after a fire. Thank you for your beautiful fireweed story and pictures.

    1. Thank you for your reaction and for sharing your experiences, Patsy. How wonderful to have gone several times. I’m hoping to get back to Alaska.

  5. Betsy,

    I so enjoy your photos(!) and the descriptions of your surroundings. I, too, am crazy about flowers – especially wild flowers that still smell wonderful and that grow where they wish! Your blogs remind me to ” be mindful” each and every day. I have been practicing mindfulness since our move to South Carolina, and after 2 years here, I am feeling like this is the right decision – SC is home!
    I don’t think I responded to your birthday wishes – Thank you! And, yes, Carol and I did get several chances to celebrate my BD together.
    Looking forward to your next posting!

  6. Betsey, you have the eyes for wonder.caught in the vastness of Alaska,the Yucon , BC Canada you saw simple seeds
    grow in your hands…with cosmic significance ..Capt. George

  7. what a marvelous visual you have left me with – an old abandoned well-loved truck full of fireweed! you must open the hood, so some can grow there, too…

    1. Thank you for reminding me about the hood! Also, once the truck has stopped moving, I need to sprinkle seeds in the bed. It will be great!

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